What should I bring to a drum circle?

  • Seat, stool, cajon, folding chair, or something to sit on.
  • Your own instrument(s) if you have them. Extras are encouraged!
  • Water/Something to drink!
  • Earplugs if you’re sensitive to sounds.

If you have your own drum or drums, it is a good idea to bring at least one. We do generally have extra drums and other percussion instruments (shakers, blocks, tambourines, etc) available for use for those without their own. On that note, if you have extras to share with the group, that is also encouraged! We also enjoy the timbres of other instruments, and have sometimes been joined by a bagpipe, a Native American flute, a guitar, and others.

Often, it is also recommended to bring your own seat (such as a folding or otherwise collapsible chair or stool), especially when playing outdoors during warm months.

Especially in summer months, it’s always good to bring water and many people like to have ear plugs in case it gets too loud for them.

Do I need to know how to play a drum?

No! We encourage anyone, with any level of experience (including none), to join in the experience.

Can I bring a different kind of instrument?

Of course! In fact, some of our best surprises have been people showing up with bag pipes, amplified flutes, glockenspiels, and even household items like buckets or kitty litter containers. If you have bongos, bring those? Maracas? Yes! If it is fun to play, bring it along!

Are there benefits with a drum circle?

Drum circles have many benefits including:
• Stress reduction
• Improved mental health
• A sense of community
• A form of meditation to some
• FUN!
• Connect with new people/groups

Can kids come to the drum circle?

Yes! Kids can be a lot of fun at the drum circle. We do ask that they be gentle with any borrowed instruments, particularly with drums that have natural skins – which should not be played with sticks! Otherwise, kids tend to bring creative energy that adds character to our group.

What about vocalizations or singing?

The human voice is a great addition to the circles and if you know how to use yours well for it, we’d love to hear it. We’ve even had a poet frequent our circles in the past.

Do you know someone who can fix my drum?

There are at least two friends of the circle who do a fantastic job at it! We can recommend:

Kurt Schmeige (pictured) in Hudsonville who will do a great job if time allows!

Randall Moore from Woodspeak Drums in the Ann Arbor area is a great option for basic-to-custom work!

We can connect you if you’re interested or click their information above. If just tuning, we may be able to help.